Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"about a girl"

so tomorrow i go to the mall..and thats all the news i have in my somewhat boring as boring can get life. i went to a country club today with my friends my face got burnt and im in pain, i drank my weight in Arnold palmer's, country time lemonade [ which is sick] and Arizona sweet tea and i remembered how much i hate preppy people. i mean i love to dress with a preppy side but id never go out in like khaki shorts with a Hollister shirt and crocs and feel somewhat cute or sane for that matter. so in order to cope from the scaring that the lifeguard wearing hot pink crocs gave me im going to the mall whether my mom wants to or not cause yes i am pathetic and 15 and cant drive myself anywhere thanks to Americas stupid needing a license thing. but my way of coping is going to Nordstrom drolling over clothes i could never afford and moving over to the bp section and being discouraged that they have only a few things i like and giving up and spending all my money at for love 21. i already have been on the website and have a mental list....multiple "silk" scarves, MORE sunglasses that i just like to wear and stare at myself and realize i look totally ridiculous and buy them anyways, oh and a chain with a heart since my horrible little sister throws a fit when i take hers even thought it is ah-mazing, oh and one more thing! pearl necklace since mine is pink and ugly and i want a white one to wear with my new skirt since once again my sister Enter away message text here.wont let me borrow hers even when its totally necessary. well i just feel like i wasted alot of my time talking about accessories that i need but i guess thats what im here for..rambling!

and now im done with that topic! thankfully. but oh lucky you i have more pointless news in my life...i like Edward Cullen alot and the entire twilight book alot. like ive read 60 pages and i decided i want to be one of those nerdy fan girls who is like Edward Cullen is my boyfriend and customize a t shirt---yes it happens a girl in my class had one and i laughed till i realized how amazing the book is-- sure make fun of me for enjoying books, cause no you all probably think im a nerd but i actually have like a 3.6 gpa and i suck at school and got a b in honors English and failed like every thing in that class because who actually enjoys to kill a mockingbird and is normal? no one thats who...and when you have a crazy teacher telling you ever detail it makes you want to go kill yourself and have your gravestone say i hate English!

well i just got distracted and totally forgot what the heck i was talking about so im moving on to a very moving paragraph Jesse McCartney is really sexy in his leavin music video. and i want to be that girl and have him sing beautiful soul to me. and then ill wake up and be like wow a totally hot [possibly queer?] guy just sang that i have a pretty soul whatever the heck that means. i decided i need better thing to do with my life then watch jmac music videos on youtube. and yes for your information i do enjoy calling him jmac it makes him seem very masculine and ghetto in a very Disney channel way.

speaking of Disney channel...whats up with Selena and nick? i though Kevin was her favorite jonas..whore! just kidding i love Selena shes pretty but should stay away from the flat iron. but i love Disney gossip its so innocent and cute. but i really don't care i have a 12 year old sister who lives for that stuff, its cute but annoying! not that i don't get sick of the same jb song over and over..omj! wow and im sad to say i went to the concert just for everyones information. and i touched their fake tourbus! but i will admit i do love joe he can rock a metallic suit and look totally normal. and he wears rayban wayfarers. go you!

SO in conclusion if you actually read all of that im sorry i just made you want to die.

x's and o's

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