Thursday, November 6, 2008

american apparel...yet again

two posts in one night, astonishing!
but i have on obsession with American apparel (despite the "raunchy" ads, there is nothing bad about seeing half a girls boob! its fashion people) i love basics and vintage eyewear. too bad i have no money..
pleated schoolgirl the shades.. but hate waiting for a release date
this reminds me of powderpuff girls combined with barbie and that cynthia doll on rugrats. love the color minus the belt though.
i kinda sorta really want these...obsession...nothing is more fun then a 60 dollar dress you can wear 6 ways!


choppyshades said...

i want those glasses!

-choppy shades

AlicePleasance said...

I can't wait for the pleated skirt too - though I'm pretty sure the ad pictures will look like they're from a schoolgirls soft porn movie. As usual with AA!