Saturday, December 27, 2008


As i flip through my February issue of Teen Vogue, i'm getting very nervous. Bright colors, day brites, and neons, and primary's are what fill the small pages. This year i finally got into black, and i'm finding it hard to shy away from. But the neons intrigue me, and scare me too. Of course there was a spread about faded jeans, dainty florals, and faded tees
if i just wanted to add a bit of color, the marc by marc jabobs inspired dress from forever 21 is a personal favorite, especially with the blue lolita glasses
and cherry red is a personal favorite standout color of mine

So far the only decent things in neon colors are these two sweatshirts from AA. I guess teen vogue is a little ahead of the retail world, since no one else has managed to catch on to the trend...yet.

x's and o's

ps. dream in color

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